Product information "Sennelier masking fluid 36.9ml" Aqua masking pen 36.9 ml with fine needle tip. Dries quickly, can be rubbed off easily. Item number: N142600.37
Calcium Carbonate
Order number: 58490
natural, approx. 1 µ, very white
Chemical description Calciumcarbonat
ColorIndex PW 18.77220
Suitability Acrylics, Lime / Fresco, Oil, Tempera, Watercolor / Gouache
Color White
Form powder
Solubility in water 8 mg/l
Product information "Sennelier Drawing gum"Masking fluid When painting with watercolor, ink or gouache, the masking fluid covers the areas of the image that are not to be worked on.It can be applied with a brush or a pen.It is lightly colored so that it can be more easily distinguished from the white background. After a few minutes of drying time, you can start working with the paint. When dry, it can be easily rubbed off with your finger. Always test on the surface before use. Wash the tools quickly in warm soapy water after use. Bottle 75 ml Item no.: N142600.75
Lascaux Modelling Paste A, B, CCompositionThickened pure acrylic resin dispersion with highgradecalcite filler, finely ground. Modelling Pastes Band C contain quartz sand additionally.Properties- flexible, elastic hard- have excellent adhesion properties- do not crack in thicker layers- are waterproof once dry and can be over painted- Modelling Paste A: dry to a smooth surface- Modelling Paste B: dry to a rough surface- Modelling Paste C: dry to a very rough surfaceApplications- relief-type applications- for impasto painting: gives paint more body andextends paint volume- use in collage and mosaics for imbedding materials- for use in texturing grounds (fresco like) orsubstrates- restoration workDirectionsModelling Pastes are used undiluted in any final layerthickness. However, the paste should never be appliedin layers of more than 1 cm (2/5˝) at a time in order tokeep drying times reasonably short. When completelydry, layers can be covered with more paste or paintedwith acrylics as desired. A certain amount of shrinkagetakes place due to evaporation as the paste dries, butthere is no crack formation.Modelling Pastes can also be added to Lascaux Acryliccolours in any ratio for impasto painting. When mixingcolours with the various Natural Modelling Pastes,colours will hardly be altered.The paste gives a slight body to transparent washes.The strongest modelling effect is obtained by applyingthe paste unmixed and overpainting with LascauxAcrylic colours when dry.Fabric, stones, wood, bits of metal and other materialscan be embedded in the paste for collages. Thepowerful grip of the acrylic base provides an excellentanchorage. In restoration work, Modelling Pastes canbe used to supplement impasto, relief, fresco plasteror for stopping cracks.Modelling Pastes B and C are suitable for fresco-typepriming on virtually all supports. Mixed with LascauxPrimer, it gives a fine grainy surface that is easy topaint.NotesPhysiologically and toxicologically safe in conventionalusage. USA: conforms to ASTM D-4236.SizesJars of 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 l, plastic buckets of 5 lLascaux Structura®CompositionPure acrylic resin dispersion with modified quartz fillerProperties- a fine, granular modelling paste- extremely light weight- age and light resistant- elastic hard, can be sanded- has very good adhesionApplications- to texture painting grounds- to build surface dimension- the light weight makes Structura ideal for theuse in large works- for collagesDirectionsAs a painting ground Structura can be applied, directlyor diluted with water, in several layers; also in mixtureswith Lascaux Primer, Gesso or Studio White, dependingon the desired absorption and texture.Supports which are very absorbent should first beimpregnated; with Lascaux Medium 1, Acryl TransparentVarnish 1 gloss or Hydro-Sealer (approx. diluted1:4 with water). Heavy impastos should be built inseveral layers to reduce the drying time.Structura Natural can be mixed with all Lascauxcolours; due to its minimal tinting strength the hues willhardly be altered. Thanks to the fine texture the intensityof the colours will be enhanced. This is especiallyapparent in mixtures with Lascaux Aquacryl colours, aswell as with glazes on Structura grounds.Finished works can be varnished for protection withLascaux Transparent Varnish.NotesPhysiologically and toxicologically safe in conventionalusage. USA: conforms to ASTM D-4236.SizesJars of 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 l, plastic buckets of 5 l
0.25 Piece
(€55.20* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Lascaux screen printing paste is added to the Lascaux paints and gives a non-toxic, aqueous system for screen printing. The screen printing paste acts as a retarder and can also be used in painting. The drying of the paint is slowed down and the cleaning of the sieves is facilitated.characteristicspastos, colorless, matt compatible with all Lascaux color lines, media and transparent lacquers solvent-free gives the colors optimum consistency for screen printing extends the open time no change in color depth, color intensity and light fastness simplest processing, meets the highest pressure standard.
A pigmented liquid composed of rubber latex and pigment, for masking areas of work needing protection when colour is applied in broad washes.
Do not apply on damp or soft sized paper.
Remove as soon as possible after application.
Brushes can be cleaned if washed immediately with water after use.
Golden Clear Leveling Gel (3001)
Clear Leveling Gel [früher Self Leveling Clear Gel] erzeugt einen gleichmäßigen Film mit hervorragender Klarheit. Es hat eine einzigartige harzige, strähnige Konsistenz, die sich aus seiner Verlaufseigenschaft ergibt. Clear Leveling Gel trocknet zu einem flexiblen, hochglänzenden Film und verleiht anderen GOLDEN Acrylic-Produkten eine ebenmäßige Qualität. Es fügt sich gut mit GOLDEN Acrylfarben zu Glasuren.
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNGClear Leveling Gel ist mit einer 100% Acrylpolymer-Dispersion formuliert. Es hat eine einzigartige harzige und strähnige Konsistenz, die zu einem flexiblen, hochglänzenden Film trocknet. Es ist milchig weiß, wenn es nass ist, und wird transparent, sobald es getrocknet ist.Clear Leveling Gel kann verwendet werden, um die Transparenz und den Glanz von Acrylfarben zu erhöhen und anderen GOLDEN Acrylic-Produkten eine ebenmäßige Qualität zu verleihen. Es produziert einen Film mit ausgezeichneter Chemikalien-, Wasser- und UV-Beständigkeit.
PRODUKTANWENDUNGDünn auftragen. Kann über 1,5 mm reißen.Mischen Sie jede Menge Gel mit GOLDEN Acrylfarben, Gelen oder Medien. Zum Verdünnen Wasser oder GOLDEN Medien hinzufügen. Für langsameres Trocknen fügen Sie den GOLDEN Retarder hinzu.Nicht mit Ölen mischen. Malen Sie nicht auf öligen Oberflächen. Nicht saugende Oberflächen sollten für erhöhte Haftung abgeschliffen werden. GOLDEN Acryle trocknen schnell und können sofort übermalt werden. Die vollständige Trocknung dauert jedoch länger. Einfrieren der Acryle vermeiden. Die minimale Filmbildungstemperatur beträgt 48 ° F / 9 ° C. Werkzeuge mit Wasser und Seife reinigen. Halten Sie Werkzeuge während des Gebrauchs feucht.Hinweis: Die von professionellen Künstlern häufig verwendeten Trägermaterialien wie Baumwollleinen, Leinen und Hartfaserplatten enthalten unterschiedliche Mengen an wasserextrahierbaren Materialien. Wenn der Träger nicht richtig versiegelt ist, können diese Materialien zu sichtbaren Verfärbungen in Gelen, Glasuren und transparenten Farben führen. Dieser Effekt erhöht sich mit der Filmdicke. Gewöhnliche Acryl-Gessos verhindern die Unterstützung durch Induzierte Verfärbung nicht. Für optimale Klarheit und Sauberkeit beim Arbeiten mit Gelen, tragen Sie zuerst zwei Schichten GOLDEN Gloss medium auf, um den Träger richtig abzudichten.
Lascaux Modelling Paste A, B, CCompositionThickened pure acrylic resin dispersion with highgradecalcite filler, finely ground. Modelling Pastes Band C contain quartz sand additionally.Properties- flexible, elastic hard- have excellent adhesion properties- do not crack in thicker layers- are waterproof once dry and can be over painted- Modelling Paste A: dry to a smooth surface- Modelling Paste B: dry to a rough surface- Modelling Paste C: dry to a very rough surfaceApplications- relief-type applications- for impasto painting: gives paint more body andextends paint volume- use in collage and mosaics for imbedding materials- for use in texturing grounds (fresco like) orsubstrates- restoration workDirectionsModelling Pastes are used undiluted in any final layerthickness. However, the paste should never be appliedin layers of more than 1 cm (2/5˝) at a time in order tokeep drying times reasonably short. When completelydry, layers can be covered with more paste or paintedwith acrylics as desired. A certain amount of shrinkagetakes place due to evaporation as the paste dries, butthere is no crack formation.Modelling Pastes can also be added to Lascaux Acryliccolours in any ratio for impasto painting. When mixingcolours with the various Natural Modelling Pastes,colours will hardly be altered.The paste gives a slight body to transparent washes.The strongest modelling effect is obtained by applyingthe paste unmixed and overpainting with LascauxAcrylic colours when dry.Fabric, stones, wood, bits of metal and other materialscan be embedded in the paste for collages. Thepowerful grip of the acrylic base provides an excellentanchorage. In restoration work, Modelling Pastes canbe used to supplement impasto, relief, fresco plasteror for stopping cracks.Modelling Pastes B and C are suitable for fresco-typepriming on virtually all supports. Mixed with LascauxPrimer, it gives a fine grainy surface that is easy topaint.NotesPhysiologically and toxicologically safe in conventionalusage. USA: conforms to ASTM D-4236.SizesJars of 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 l, plastic buckets of 5 l
0.25 Piece
(€55.16* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Fine, black colored modeling paste that dries to a deep black, smooth surface.slight shrinkage, no cracking on drying compatible with all Lascaux media light and aging resistant high adhesive strength.
0.25 Piece
(€71.80* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Extra Heavy Molding Paste [formerly Extra Heavy Gel / Molding Paste]- A blend of Extra Heavy Gel Gloss and Molding Paste. Dries to a satin, semi-opaque finish. Excellent for increasing viscosity and building surfaces. (Item# 3110)
Fine, extremely light texture paste. Drys to a velvety, succulent, high-white surface.absorbent, elastic surface slight shrinkage, no cracking on drying compatible with all Lascaux media light and aging resistant very good coloring extra light easy to sand high adhesive strength.
0.25 Piece
(€67.16* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Product information "Golden Extra Heavy Gel Matt (3090)" Extra Heavy Gels (matt) are the thickest GOLDEN gels and form more solid structural surfaces than Heavy Gels. They are particularly suitable for solid high points. (Item # Mat - 3090)
Purpose: To create relief backgrounds.Composition: acrylate resin dispersion, thickener, titanium oxideCharacteristics:• Overpaintable with oil and acrylic paint• Dries within a few hours, depending on the thickness of the paint layer• Miscible with acrylic paint, gel paint and acrylic paint• Dilutable with water• Waterproof and not yellowing• Clean materials with water• Process above 10 ° C• Store frost-freeAvailable in 250 ml and 1000 ml ShinHan Professional Poster Color
Lascaux Modelling Paste A, B, CCompositionThickened pure acrylic resin dispersion with highgradecalcite filler, finely ground. Modelling Pastes Band C contain quartz sand additionally.Properties- flexible, elastic hard- have excellent adhesion properties- do not crack in thicker layers- are waterproof once dry and can be over painted- Modelling Paste A: dry to a smooth surface- Modelling Paste B: dry to a rough surface- Modelling Paste C: dry to a very rough surfaceApplications- relief-type applications- for impasto painting: gives paint more body andextends paint volume- use in collage and mosaics for imbedding materials- for use in texturing grounds (fresco like) orsubstrates- restoration workDirectionsModelling Pastes are used undiluted in any final layerthickness. However, the paste should never be appliedin layers of more than 1 cm (2/5˝) at a time in order tokeep drying times reasonably short. When completelydry, layers can be covered with more paste or paintedwith acrylics as desired. A certain amount of shrinkagetakes place due to evaporation as the paste dries, butthere is no crack formation.Modelling Pastes can also be added to Lascaux Acryliccolours in any ratio for impasto painting. When mixingcolours with the various Natural Modelling Pastes,colours will hardly be altered.The paste gives a slight body to transparent washes.The strongest modelling effect is obtained by applyingthe paste unmixed and overpainting with LascauxAcrylic colours when dry.Fabric, stones, wood, bits of metal and other materialscan be embedded in the paste for collages. Thepowerful grip of the acrylic base provides an excellentanchorage. In restoration work, Modelling Pastes canbe used to supplement impasto, relief, fresco plasteror for stopping cracks.Modelling Pastes B and C are suitable for fresco-typepriming on virtually all supports. Mixed with LascauxPrimer, it gives a fine grainy surface that is easy topaint.NotesPhysiologically and toxicologically safe in conventionalusage. USA: conforms to ASTM D-4236.SizesJars of 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 l, plastic buckets of 5 l
0.25 Piece
(€55.20* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Fiber Paste when dry has the appearance of handmade paper. It can be skimmed with a wet palette knife to make a smoother surface. The dry off-white color is absorbent, making it ideal for use with acrylic washes. (Item # 3240)For health and safety information, see the Safety Data Sheet
Product information "Liquitex - Extra Heavy Gel Medium mat" Liquitex Glossy Extra Heavy Gel Medium A very heavy gel with high surface resistance for a stiff, oily feel. Ideal for high peaks and sculpted applications. Holds its shape after drying and shrinks minimally. Very long working time.
0.237 Piece
(€81.43* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Product information "Golden Soft Gel Semi Gloss (3017)" Golden Soft Gel (3010) (3013) (3017) The Soft Gels are thinner than GOLDEN Heavy Body acrylics, they are moderately pourable and hold only light peaks. Soft Gel Gloss is ideal for glazing and other techniques where transparency is desired. Also the recommended acrylic to act as a glue for collages. Useful as a non-removable isolation layer applied to the painting before the varnish layer (must be diluted with water - 2 parts Soft Gel Gloss to 1 part water).
Product information "Golden Soft Gel Matt (3013)" Golden Soft Gel (3013) The Soft Gels are thinner than GOLDEN Heavy Body acrylics, they are moderately pourable and hold only light peaks. Soft Gel Gloss is ideal for glazing and other techniques where transparency is desired. Also the recommended acrylic to act as a glue for collages. Useful as a non-removable isolation layer applied to the painting before the varnish layer (must be diluted with water - 2 parts Soft Gel Gloss to 1 part water).
Fabric Sculpting MediumHardens all fabrics. It is ideal for fabric sculptures, lamp shades, collages, mixed media and more!ITEM16 fl oz/0.47 L (jar) Item CHM2200InstructionsDip fabrics into the medium, drape, wrap or lay the material around a wire figure, armature or object and allow it to dry. Jacquard’s Fabric Sculpting Medium dries fast but slowly enough to allow plenty of open working time. After hardening, Jacquard’s Fabric Sculpting Medium has a matte finish. It adheres to most porous and semi-porous surfaces, including already hardened fabric, and is perfect for mixed media applications. Jacquard’s Fabric Sculpting Medium can be used to make fabric sculptures, lamp shades, collages and much more. Try stiffening fabric onto paper, wood, clay, metal wire or canvas. It can also be used as a fabric glue. Dilute with water up to 25% for a softer hand. Always use common sense and good housekeeping when using Jacquard’s products.
Extra rough modeling paste that dries to a deep black, very rough surface.slight shrinkage, no cracking on drying compatible with all Lascaux media light and aging resistant high adhesive strength.
0.25 Piece
(€71.80* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
Rough modeling paste that dries to a deep black, rough surface.low shrinkage, no cracking on drying compatible with all Lascaux paints light and aging resistant high adhesive strength.
0.25 Piece
(€60.48* / 1 Piece)
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
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