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Vallejo Textile Colors 200ml
Textile Color ist eine Reihe brillanter, permanenter Farben auf Wasserbasis. Sobald sie auf den Stoff aufgetragen werden, bilden sie eine weiche, samtartige Textur. Textile Color ist eine Reihe brillanter, permanenter Farben auf Wasserbasis. Sobald sie auf den Stoff aufgetragen werden, bilden sie eine weiche, samtartige Textur. Das Sortiment umfasst 54 Farben, deckend, transparent, metallisch und fluoreszierend, sowie 6 Farben mit Glitzer-Finish.Neue Formel: Die neue Formel von Textile Color ist ideal für alle Stoffe, auch für nicht vorgewaschene. Textile Color muss nicht durch Bügeln fixiert werden, es genügt, die Farben 48 Stunden lang auf dem Material trocknen zu lassen, um eine maximale Haftung auf dem Stoff zu erreichen.Anwendungshinweise: Vor dem Lackieren empfiehlt es sich, die Textilien vorzuwaschen, da nicht alle Hersteller die gleiche Schlichteart verwenden, die neue Formel zeigt jedoch in jedem Fall eine hervorragende Haftung auch auf Stoffen, die zuvor nicht gewaschen wurden. Schütteln Sie die Flasche, bevor Sie die Farbe verwenden. Mit Pinsel, Schwamm, Rolle etc. auftragen. Die cremige Konsistenz der Farben eignet sich hervorragend für Schablonentechniken sowie für Sieb- und Druckanwendungen. Die Farben können direkt und ohne Verdünnung verwendet werden oder mit destilliertem Wasser verdünnt werden. Es ist jedoch wichtig, ein Verdünnungsverhältnis von 20 % nicht zu überschreiten, da dies zu einem leichten Haftungsverlust führen würde. Textilmedium, Referenz 81, wird als Verdünner (anstelle von Wasser) empfohlen, da es die Qualität und Haftungseigenschaften der Farben nicht beeinträchtigt.Airbrushing: Für die Airbrush-Anwendung kann Textile Color mit unserem Airbrush-Verdünner, Referenz 71.361, verdünnt werden. Wir empfehlen eine Mischung aus 2 Teilen Farbe und 1 Teil Verdünner, um die gewünschte Konsistenz für den Einsatz in Airbrush-Geräten mit einem Durchmesser von 0,2 bis 0,3 mm zu erreichen. Der Kompressordruck muss auf ca. 1 kg eingestellt werden.Stoffe: Die besten Ergebnisse werden auf natürlichen Stoffen wie Baumwolle oder Leinen erzielt, aber die Haftung von Textile Color auf Seide und synthetischen Fasern wie Lycra oder Polyester ist hervorragend, da die neue Formel es den Farben ermöglicht, sich zusammen mit dem Stoff auszudehnen, ohne dass Risse im Stoff entstehen Lackfilm. Bei dunklen Stoffen empfiehlt es sich, deckende oder metallische Farben zu verwenden und in manchen Fällen kann es erforderlich sein, mehrere Farbschichten übereinander aufzutragen oder eine weiße Basis aufzutragen, um die gewünschte Farbintensität zu erzielen. Textile Medium, Referenz 81: Textile Medium verlängert und verdünnt die Farben, verändert oder beeinträchtigt jedoch nicht die Haftungseigenschaften der Farben; es kann auch als abschließender Schutz verwendet werden. Das Transfermedium, Referenz 82 (Image Transfer), wird zum Übertragen gedruckter oder fotokopierter Designs auf Stoffe verwendet. Weitere Informationen zu diesem Produkt finden Sie in den Tutorial-Videos im Bereich „Dekorative Kunst“ auf unserer Website.Fixieren der Farben: Textile Color muss nicht durch Bügeln fixiert werden. Es reicht aus, die Farben 24–48 Stunden an der Luft trocknen zu lassen, damit sie mit dem Stoff verbunden werden. Waschanleitung: Bemalte Stoffe im Kurzprogramm waschen, max. Temperatur von 40˚C.Reinigung: Bürsten und Utensilien können mit Wasser und Seife gewaschen werden. Sicherheit: Textile Color entspricht den Spezifikationen EN71-3:2013, enthält keine Inhaltsstoffe, die die Gesundheit des Benutzers oder die Umwelt schädigen könnten, und ist für die Verwendung durch Kinder geeignet.Allergene: Auf der Grundlage der von unseren Lieferanten erhaltenen Unterlagen bestätigen wir, dass Textil Color weder in den verwendeten Rohstoffen noch in der Verarbeitung Spuren der häufigsten Allergene wie Milchprodukte, Eier, Latex, Gluten, Nüsse und Schalentiere enthält der Produktion oder im Prozess der Verpackung von Textilfarben.

Content: 0.2 Piece (€37.50* / 1 Piece)

From €7.80*
Gamblin Relief Ink Textile Black 454g
- Formulated in collaboration with Drive By Press:  - Farbecht - Intensives, sattes Schwarz- Entwickelt für eine gleichmäßige Abdeckung - Schnell trocknend, muss nicht thermisch fixiert werden- Reine gebrannte Leinölbasis - Keine Füllstoffe, Zusatzstoffe oder Modifikatoren - Für T-Shirts oder andere Baumwollstoffe Drive by Black wurde von Drive by Press speziell für den Druck von Holzschnitten auf Textilien entwickelt. Nachdem Drive by Press 10 Jahre lang Holzschnitte auf über 50.000 T-Shirts gedruckt hat, hat es die Formel für den Druck auf verschiedene Textilien auf Baumwollbasis perfektioniert. Wir sind stolz, diese neue Tinte mit Hilfe unserer Freunde von GAMBLIN ARTIST'S COLORS auf den Markt zu bringen. Diese Tinte ist für eine gleichmäßige Abdeckung (für satte dunkle Farbtöne), schnelle Trocknungszeit und Farbechtheit formuliert! Diese Tinte ist ideal zum Bedrucken T-Shirts und alle anderen Stoffe auf Baumwollbasis, die Sie wünschen! Verbreiten Sie die Tinte!!! How to use Drive by Black - Video Tutorial

Content: 0.3 Piece (€83.33* / 1 Piece)

Jacquard iDye Textilfarbe Synthetikstoffe
Jacquard iDye: Golden Yellow
Jacquard iDye Textilfarbe 14g Das Färben war noch nie einfacher als mit iDye von Jacquard! iDye kommt in einem auflösbaren Paket, dies vereinfacht die Farbung in der Handhabung: Lösen Sie die Packung im Färbebad oder geben Sie sie einfach in die Waschmaschine zusammen mit dem zu färbenden Gewebe. iDye ist ein Heißwasserfarbstoff, der brilliante Farben erzeugt und Optionen für natürliche oder synthetische Fasern bietet. für Synthetikstoffe  

Content: 0.014 Gramm (€585.71* / 1 Gramm)

Watch CLP-notice!
Lascaux Siebdruckpaste (2049)
Size: 500 ml
Lascaux screen printing paste is added to the Lascaux paints and gives a non-toxic, aqueous system for screen printing. The screen printing paste acts as a retarder and can also be used in painting. The drying of the paint is slowed down and the cleaning of the sieves is facilitated.characteristicspastos, colorless, matt   compatible with all Lascaux color lines, media and transparent lacquers   solvent-free   gives the colors optimum consistency for screen printing    extends the open time    no change in color depth, color intensity and light fastness   simplest processing, meets the highest pressure standard.

Content: 0.5 Piece (€43.78* / 1 Piece)

Exclamation Mark: Health hazard/Hazardous to the ozone layer
Hazard Statements
EUH208: Contains . May produce an allergic reaction.
H319: Causes serious eye irritation.
Precautionary statements
P264: Wash thoroughly after handling.
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection/hearing protection/.
P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P337 + P313: If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.
Jacquard Indigo Tie Dye Kit
Indigo Tie Dye KitThis kit brings the ancient art of indigo dyeing to the home dyer in a user-friendly formulation. Indigo dye, which comes from a plant, is one of the oldest dyes used for coloring fabrics and the one still used today to color blue jeans. This natural dye process has long been used in many cultures around the world. The unique characteristics of indigo dyeing make it easy to create wonderful resist patterns on fabric. With a resurgence of interest in indigo and ethnic patterning in the fashion world, this kit is sure to be a winner! NOTE: You will need to supply: 5 gal/18.93 L bucket with lid, long stick for stirring, water, natural fabrics or yarn. Dyes up to 15 yards/5 lbs (2.27 kg) of fabric or 15 t-shirts. Dye bath lasts for several weeks.Indigo Tie Dye Kit     Item JAC9410Included in this kit:    20 g Pre-reduced Indigo Dye    100 g Soda Ash    50 g Sodium Hydrosulfite (“Hydro”)    1 pair of gloves    Wood pieces    Rubber bands (2 sizes)    Instructions Indigo Tie Dye Kit Quick Start Instructions [pdf] Indigo Tie Dye Kit Instructions [pdf] Questions/Advice? Visit the User Forum

Jacquard iDye Fixative
Jacquard iDye Fixative Für die Verwendung mit Naturfasern Hilft die Farbintensität im Laufe der Zeit zu erhalten und verringert das Risiko von Farbverlust beim Waschen. Besonders geeignet für Artikel, die häufig gewaschen werden oder sehr farbintensiv sind.

Content: 0.014 Gramm (€546.43* / 1 Gramm)

Jacquard iDye Textilfarbe Naturstoffe
Jacquard iDye: Ecru
Jacquard iDye Textilfarbe 14g Das Färben war noch nie einfacher als mit iDye von Jacquard! iDye kommt in einem auflösbaren Paket, dies vereinfacht die Farbung in der Handhabung: Lösen Sie die Packung im Färbebad oder geben Sie sie einfach in die Waschmaschine zusammen mit dem zu färbenden Gewebe. iDye ist ein Heißwasserfarbstoff, der brilliante Farben erzeugt und Optionen für natürliche oder synthetische Fasern bietet. für NATURSTOFFE  

Content: 0.014 Gramm (€570.71* / 1 Gramm)

Jacquard iDye Color Remover
Jacquard iDye Color Remover Farbentferner Color Remover kann Farbstoffe und Flecken entfernen, sowie natürliche Stoffe, Viskose und einige Nylons aufhellen. Es funktioniert nicht auf Polyester. Color Remover benötigt viel Wärme, was bei Wolle problematisch sein kann. Es ist kein Bleichmittel. Es kann auch für Entladungstechniken verwendet werden. Hinweise: Beim Entfernen von Farbstoffen kommt die Stofffarbe nicht immer weiß heraus. Es kann sich eine völlig andere Farbe ergeben. Testen Sie immer zuerst. Utensilien und Töpfe zur Farbentfernung sollten nicht für Lebensmittel verwendet werden.

Content: 0.014 Gramm (€557.14* / 1 Gramm)

Watch CLP-notice!
Lascaux Remover (2098) Reiniger Siebdruck und Radierung
Size: 1 l
For the removal of Lascaux Screen Filler from screen fabrics (high pressure required), for removing Lascaux acrylic resists, collagraphy materials from plates as well as inks from smooth PVC films.

Corrosion: Corrosive Exclamation Mark: Health hazard/Hazardous to the ozone layer
Hazard Statements
H315: Causes skin irritation.
H318: Causes serious eye damage.
Precautionary statements
P101: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
P102: Keep out of reach of children.
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection/hearing protection/.
P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water/.
P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor/.
P332 + P313: If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
P362 + P364: Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
Pentel Stoffmalkreiden Set (PTS)
Sets: Set 7 Farben
Stoffmalkreiden- Fabric Fun Produkteigenschaften: Stoffmalfarbe in praktischer Kreideform Säurefrei in 2 Farbsortierungen erhältlich (7 oder 15 Farben) ideal für natürliche, helle Stoffe nach Fixierung mit dem Bügeleisen permanent, ohne Fixierung auswaschbar (Bitte Gebrachsanleitung beachten) Länge 6 cm; 8 cm Durchmesser für Kinder ab 3 Jahren geeignet Die Pentel Stoffmalkreiden bringen Farbe in Ihren Kleiderschrank. Mit den Pentel Stoffmalkreiden können Sie fast alle textilen Untergründe einfach bemalen und dekorieren. Das kreative Gestalten von individuellen Outfits ist so einfach wie nie zuvor. Ob Kleidungstücke, Taschen oder Kissenbezüge, mit wenigen Strichen lassen sich Muster und Motive aufbringen. Nutzen Sie die Stoffmalkreiden auch zum Ausbessern von kleineren Farbschäden an Wohntextilien. Wenn Sie mit Ihrer Kreation nicht zufrieden sind, kann die Farbe einfach ausgewaschen werden. Sobald die Farbe mit einem Bügeleisen fixiert wird, ist sie permanent und kochfest ohne zu verblassen. (Bitte lesen Sie hierfür die beiliegende Gebrauchsanleitung.) Besonders gute Ergebnisse lassen sich auf hellen Materialien wie Baumwolle, Leinen oder Seide erzielen. Hier kommen die Farben besonders brillant zur Geltung.  

Gamblins and Tom Hucks Outlaw Black Relief Ink 300 ml
Formulated in collaboration with Tom Huck of Evil Prints:           Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit Tom Huck von Evil Prints: - Farbecht - Intensives, steifes, sattes, kühles Schwarz - Entwickelt für den Druck von Blöcken mit hoher Detailgenauigkeit - Reine gebrannte Leinölbasis, - Keine Füllstoffe, Zusatzstoffe oder Modifikatoren

Content: 0.3 Piece (€104.97* / 1 Piece)

Permaset AQUA screen print ink
PERMASET AQUA®- a water-based, environmentally friendly and solvent-free screen printing ink for natural and synthetic textiles - a revolution among screen printing colors. Selected pigments provide an intense, luminous opaque color. Thanks to a novel polymer that binds the pigment to the fabric, it provides an exceptionally soft feel while being particularly wash and abrasion resistant and even suitable for dry cleaning. The ink colours have a light fastness of at least 6/8 on the blue wool scale - most colours even received an 8/8 rating.Can also be used on paper, linoleum, wood, model printing and other non-porous surfaces.Available in normal opaque / transparent (Permaset Aqua) and opaque / high opaque (Permaset Aqua SuperCover) with particularly good opacity on dark substrates, four metallic effect colours and eight luminous colours and as screen printing paste.Permaset Permatone has received Soil Association approval in the UK after successfully meeting the requirements of the Global Organic Textiles Standards (GOTS) for inorganic chemical raw materials for use in organic textile processing.Registration certificate of the soil association: products: PHOSPHORESCENT GREEN: Enables a "Luminance in the Dark" effect. PERMA PUFF: Heat activated 3D effect. Can be used with standard colours or with pigment concentrates The Permaset Foil FX series: consists of 4 glossy metallic colours (silver, gold, copper and blue) most effective on dark backgrounds, but also on white or light backgrounds interesting visual effects can be achieved Due to the large grain size, a "normal" 43T (110 tpi) network cannot be used. A more wide-meshed net such as 20 or 22T (50-55 tpi) is required. Due to the grain size, abrasion resistance and washfastness are not given White tones: STANDARD WHITE particularly opaque due to high titanium dioxide content, but slightly less soft to the touch. SUPERCOVER WHITE is an opaque opaque white. It has the highest content of titanium dioxide pigments and binders for use on dark pigments. Excellent opacity in a water-based ink FIRST DOWN WHITE is used by professional printers as a base for printing on dark fabrics to obtain brilliant colors with a soft feel.

Content: 0.3 Piece (€40.67* / 1 Piece)

From €8.56*
Golden Silkscreen Medium (3690)
Size: 237 ml
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION GOLDEN Silkscreen Medium is a water-borne system designed to blend with acrylic paints for silk-screen application onto paper, wood and other suitable fine art materials. This product is designed to increase working time and prevent paint from drying in the screen too quickly. NOTE: GOLDEN Silkscreen Medium is NOT intended for use on fabrics to be laundered. Use GOLDEN Silkscreen Fabric Gel for such purposes.   PRODUCT APPLICATION Mixing Information Although any addition of GOLDEN Silkscreen Medium will increase the open time1 of a paint, a good starting point is to blend even parts of paint and medium. Higher levels of the medium will increasingly affect the transparency, but also will increase the open time. Lower levels of Silkscreen Medium produce mixes with the greatest opacity2, but that are more likely to clog in the screen. Mixing With Other GOLDEN Products GOLDEN Silkscreen Medium can be blended with any of the GOLDEN Acrylic paint lines, Gels and Mediums to lengthen the working (open) time for silk-screening. It is a pourable blend of acrylic, retarder & water that, unlike retarder alone, will form a film, thereby increasing durability and thinning the paint while retarding the drying time. Transparency/Opacity Silkscreen Medium is not designed to impart opacity. The opacity of the mixture will be determined by the nature of the color being used and the ratio of paint to medium used. Higher levels of the Silkscreen Medium will be increasingly more transparent. Adding GOLDEN Titanium White to a mixture will increase opacity. Any addition of white will lower a color's chroma and value. Additionally, transparent colors, including Iridescent and Interference Colors, can be made to appear more opaque when a "base coat"3 is screened first. For example, GOLDEN Iridescent Gold will appear to have greater opacity over a buff-colored base coat. Refer to screen-printer's books and other reference material for further suggestions. (Consult GOLDEN Pigment Identification Chart to determine the opacity ratings for the various colors). General Product Information Do not mix with oils. Paint on any non-oily surface. Abrade non-absorbent surfaces for increased adhesion. Minimum film formation temperature is 49oF/9oC. Avoid freezing. Clean screens/tools with soap and water. Safe to use with minimal odor.   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Thickness Considerations Thickness, also termed "viscosity," can greatly influence how a printing ink performs. Thinner inks have a greater risk of "bleeding" into the paper or other porous substrates, but perform well on tighter mesh screens and dry quickly on absorbent substrates like paper. Thick, pasty mixes have a higher tendency to clog tighter mesh screens, but can offer increased opacity (due to a thicker film) and are less likely to bleed when screened onto fabrics. These considerations should be addressed before beginning large printing runs. Choosing a line of GOLDEN Acrylic Paints to use with the Silkscreen Medium depends on the thickness needed for a particular job. GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylics have a buttery viscosity and will therefore make thicker screening inks. GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics have the same pigment load as our Heavy Body Paints, but are the consistency of heavy cream, and are quite pourable. Mixtures with Silkscreen Medium will remain thin and pourable. Improving Working Time While Silkscreen Medium dramatically helps to prevent paint from drying in the screen, it does not eliminate the possibility. As soon as a clog becomes apparent, it should be removed with a damp cloth. If the clog is allowed to dry in the screen, it will be extremely difficult to remove. For multiple clogs that develop, stop printing and thoroughly clean screen with water, using a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to remove the clogs. Pat the screen dry and continue printing. Work quickly, with minimal time between prints. Have screening inks pre-made in sufficient quantities before beginning screening. To maximize open time, add 5 - 15% GOLDEN Retarder to the GOLDEN Silkscreen Medium/Paint mixture. This will increase the open time, but not dramatically alter the opacity. It is beneficial to pre-wet the screen with a water/Retarder mixture (1:1) before screening. Keep a plant mister bottle filled with this mixture at hand, and lightly spray the screen periodically to prevent paint from drying. Avoid excessive misting, as this can cause bleeding on the paper.

Content: 0.237 Piece (€54.43* / 1 Piece)

Jacquard Basic Dye 14g
Jacquard Acid Dye: 633 Aztec Gold
Basic DyeThe perfect solution for hard-to-dye materials. Developed for acrylic fibers (e.g. faux fur, wigs and inexpensive yarn), these dyes are also the go-to for wood, reeds, straw, paper, leather and hemp! Use them for potpourri, dolls, buttons and furniture, or add to Piñata Claro Extender for custom alcohol ink colors.An essential tool for cosplay artists!Basic Dyes are exceptionally easy to use. The process is so simple that commercial dyers often use them to color fibers such as silk and wool; however, they tend to have poor light- and washfastness on fabric, so Basic Dyes are generally only used by home fabric dyers when other dyes are not an option. As a class, Basic Dyes offer some of the most vibrant and intense colors available for any fiber, and are frequently used when maximum color intensity is desired.Dip-dye or brush on!FABRIC/FIBER/SURFACESacrylic fibers, wood, reeds, straw, hemp, paper and leather

Content: 0.015 Piece (€353.33* / 1 Piece)

€5.30* €5.99* (11.52% saved)
Permaset Permaprint PREMIUM screen print color
Permaprint Premium is a 100% solvent free environmentally friendly water- based printing product that provides intense pigments rich in coverage with exceptional colour yield. The resilient resin base is at once both soft and incredibly strong – holding up beautifully to even the most severe rub and wash tests. Permaprint Premium has been formulated to be free of toxic chemicals. The range is water based, thus has no flash point and as such is exempt from flammable Liquids regulations. Permaprint Premium is also free from Lead and other heavy metals, so it’s not only safe for the environment and the printer, but ensures equipment can be easily cleaned with water and solvent fumes are eliminated. Permaprint Premium is ideal for printing on: sealed paper cardboard polyesters (mylar) polycarbonate plastics some coated metals care should be taken with some vinyls as plasticizer migration may soften the ink over time and also with some uncoated papers as cockling may occur suitable for use on high lay-down hand printed wallpaper and art reproduction, through to stickers, posters and backlit displays  

Content: 0.3 Piece (€53.00* / 1 Piece)

From €12.72*
Jacquard Tee Juice Textilmarker (Medium - 1.2mm)
Jacquard Tee Juice: Tangerine
With sixteen colors available in three tip styles, Tee Juice raises the bar for textile markers. Utilizing an innovative technological breakthrough, the color flows smoothly out of the tip with no dragging or skipping on the fabric, even when using the fine-liner. The broad point marker is squeezable with a responsive valve tip, allowing artists total control of just how much ink is released. Washfast and permanent after heat setting with a dry iron and formulated with the most lightfast, archival pigments, Tee Juice also leaves fabric completely soft to the touch. Tee Juice is great on T-shirts, jeans, canvas, quilts, tennis shoes, paper and more.

€3.15* €3.50* (10% saved)
Jacquard Tee Juice Textilmarker (Broad - 12mm)
Jacquard Tee Juice: Golden Yellow
Tee Juice Fabric Art Markers With sixteen colors available in three tip styles, Tee Juice raises the bar for textile markers. Utilizing an innovative technological breakthrough, the color flows smoothly out of the tip with no dragging or skipping on the fabric, even when using the fine-liner. The broad point marker is squeezable with a responsive valve tip, allowing artists total control of just how much ink is released. Washfast and permanent after heat setting with a dry iron and formulated with the most lightfast, archival pigments, Tee Juice also leaves fabric completely soft to the touch. Tee Juice is great on T-shirts, jeans, canvas, quilts, tennis shoes, paper and more!

€4.40* €4.90* (10.2% saved)
Permaset AQUA process colours screen print ink
Permaset Aqua: Process Yellow | Size: 1 l
PERMASET AQUA®- a water-based, environmentally friendly and solvent-free screen printing ink for natural and synthetic textiles - a revolution among screen printing colors. Selected pigments provide an intense, luminous opaque color. Thanks to a novel polymer that binds the pigment to the fabric, it provides an exceptionally soft feel while being particularly wash and abrasion resistant and even suitable for dry cleaning. The ink colours have a light fastness of at least 6/8 on the blue wool scale - most colours even received an 8/8 rating.Can also be used on paper, linoleum, wood, model printing and other non-porous surfaces.Available in the CMYK colours Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.Permaset Permatone has received Soil Association approval in the UK after successfully meeting the requirements of the Global Organic Textiles Standards (GOTS) for inorganic chemical raw materials for use in organic textile processing.Registration certificate of the soil association:  

€25.60* €32.00* (20% saved)
Jacquard Basic Dye
Jacquard Basic Dye: 003 Golden Yellow
Basic DyeThe perfect solution for hard-to-dye materials. Developed for acrylic fibers (e.g. faux fur, wigs and inexpensive yarn), these dyes are also the go-to for wood, reeds, straw, paper, leather and hemp! Use them for potpourri, dolls, buttons and furniture, or add to Piñata Claro Extender for custom alcohol ink colors.An essential tool for cosplay artists!Basic Dyes are exceptionally easy to use. The process is so simple that commercial dyers often use them to color fibers such as silk and wool; however, they tend to have poor light- and washfastness on fabric, so Basic Dyes are generally only used by home fabric dyers when other dyes are not an option. As a class, Basic Dyes offer some of the most vibrant and intense colors available for any fiber, and are frequently used when maximum color intensity is desired.Dip-dye or brush on!FABRIC/FIBER/SURFACESacrylic fibers, wood, reeds, straw, hemp, paper and leather

Content: 0.014 Piece (€321.43* / 1 Piece)

Jacquard Color Remover
Jacquard Color Remover Farbentferner 2 oz / 56,70 g Color Remover kann Farbstoffe und Flecken entfernen, sowie natürliche Stoffe, Viskose und einige Nylons aufhellen. Es funktioniert nicht auf Polyester. Color Remover benötigt viel Wärme, was bei Wolle problematisch sein kann. Es ist kein Bleichmittel. Es kann auch für Entladungstechniken verwendet werden. Hinweise: Beim Entfernen von Farbstoffen kommt die Stofffarbe nicht immer weiß heraus. Es kann sich eine völlig andere Farbe ergeben. Testen Sie immer zuerst. Utensilien und Töpfe zur Farbentfernung sollten nicht für Lebensmittel verwendet werden.

Content: 0.0567 Kilogramm (€108.64* / 1 Kilogramm)

Jacquard Lumiere 3D 29ml
Lumiere 3D Lumiere 3D is a dimensional metallic/pearlescent paint that doubles as a powerful adhesive. Based on our popular Lumiere line, this unique paint is perfect for embellishing, drawing and writing on T-shirts, greeting cards, scrapbooks, fabric, ribbon, leather, gourds, shoes, yard art and much more! Use Lumiere 3D as a bead glue, shoe glue, a super-strong fabric glue or to firmly attach ‘jewels’ or other objects to practically any surface. Lumiere 3D can be used directly from the bottle or with the addition of our fine line tips. It is completely washable after drying 72 hours. FABRIC/FIBER/SURFACESnatural and synthetic fabric, paper, wood, clay, canvas, plastic, glass, metal, leather and more

Content: 0.029 Piece (€103.10* / 1 Piece)

From €2.99* €3.30* (9.39% saved)
Jacquard Versatex Screen Printing Inks
Jacquard Versatex Screen Ink: 302 Gold Yellow | Size: 118 ml
These semi-transparent water-based inks have a smooth, creamy consistency and long open time that screen printers rave about. The softest ink available for fabric, Versatex inks hold up exceptionally well to washing, making them the inks of choice for many professional textile printers. Non-toxic and odorless, Versatex inks are super vibrant on light colored fabrics and papers. The colors mix and overlay beautifully and may be thinned and cleaned with water. Increase the transparency without affecting viscosity by using the #300 Clear Extender. The metallic colors and #345 Opaque White have excellent coverage on dark grounds. For maximum permanence on fabric, heat set or use the Versatex Fixer additive. Screen Life may also be added to the inks to extend the open time on the screen. TECHNIQUESscreen printing, stenciling, stamping, block and mono printing FABRIC/FIBER/SURFACESnatural and synthetic fabrics, paper, wood, leather, canvas and more

Content: 0.118 Piece (€77.71* / 1 Piece)

€9.17* €10.20* (10.1% saved)
Jacquard Marbling Kit
Produktinformationen "Jacquard Marbling Kit" The ancient art of paper marbling has historically been associated with the book arts. The technique involves floating paints on the surface of a gel-like medium (known as the “marbling size”) and then transferring this floating design onto paper or fabric. Use this traditional technique to make your own patterned fabric, one-of-a-kind wrapping paper, greeting cards, fine art and more. Each design is as unique as a fingerprint! The Jacquard Marbling Kit is easy to use and gives professional-quality results. A great group activity! NOTE: You will need to supply paper or fabric.  WHERE TO BUY ITEM Marbling Kit Item JAC9609 Included in this kit: 6 Marbling Colors, 1/2 fl oz/14.79 ml each: yellow, red, violet, blue, white & black 1/2 fl oz/14.79 Synthetic Gall 4 oz/113.40 g Alum (mordant) 1 oz/28.35 g Carrageenan Instructions

Permaset Aqua PERMATONE screen printing ink
Permaset PERMATONE is a vegan, water-based and solvent-free screen printing ink for natural and synthetic textiles, which can be used to obtain 1869 tones of the Pabtone Matching System (PMS). They still deliver a truly pure, vibrant colour, an exceptionally high quality soft feel and excellent durability. After heat fixing, the prints have excellent resistance to washing, rubbing and chemicals. As a water-based product, equipment is easily cleaned up with water. Permaset Permatone has received Soil Association approval in the UK after successfully meeting the requirements of the Global Organic Textiles Standards (GOTS) for inorganic chemical raw materials used in organic textile processing.Registration certificate of the soil association:

From €25.60*