Fabriano Unica paper is made of 50% cotton, suitable for all printmaking techniques. Fabriano Unica originates from the many centuries of experience gained by the Fabriano paper mills and collaboration with a group of artistsfrom the Opificio della Rosa, an international centre dedicated to the awareness and spread of traditional and innovative methods of printmaking. These artists have tested the paper with a host of printing, engraving and other techniques, testing it to its limits. From this cooperation between the people who make paper and the people who use it, a unique product has been created, as its name suggests. Just one perfect substrate for every printing application. The quality and value of Italian made paper is epitomized in Fabriano Unica.
Available in 250gsm, 50x70cm, creme or extra white.
Vang "BASELINE" Blöcke
verfügbar in den Basisgrößen A4 und A3
für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche
Mixed Media
the Art to WriteÖl + Acryl
Our bright white Bristol board is acid free and has a smooth finish. He is glued neutral; worked through and glued once or several times depending on the thickness. In addition to good printability, Bristol board has high breaking strength and flexural strength. In addition, the cardboard stands for good grooving and creasability. Grammage: 246g/m², 308g/m², 369g/m², 431g/m², 492g/m², 615g/m², 738g/m², 924g/m²,Colours: bright whiteFormats: 500x700mm, 1000x700mm
Bamboo Mixed Media
265 gsm
pieces of sheets in one pad: 8 x 10,5 cm 10 pieces
pieces of sheets in one pad: 24 x 32 cm 25 pieces
pieces of sheets in one pad: 36 x 48 cm 25 pieces
Artist paper made from 90% bamboo fibre and 10% rag.Especially suitable for watercolour, acrylic, pastel, sketch and mixed media.
Shikishi is a Japanese traditional paperboard. Made-in Japan with high quality pulp and cotton this premium Watercolor paper suppresses the absorption; the paint stays on the surface strength and is suitable for various watercolor techniques. It is characterized by a white paper color with a sliqhtly rough to medium-grained paper surface.
Canson® XL® Fluid Mixed Media ist ein glattes strapazierfähiges Papier, das insbesondere für präzise Detailstrukturen geeignet ist. Besonders weiß für exzellente Farbkontraste. Es ist das ideale Papier für Arbeiten mit allen dünnflüssigen Farben wie z.B. Tinten oder Tuschen denn es ermöglicht ein sauberes und einfaches Zeichnen. Aufgrund seiner Strapazierfähigkeit bleibt es dabei formstabil. Für Acryl, Tinte, Marker usw. geeignet.
Flächengewichte oder Stärken
250 g/m²
Farben und Oberflächen
Oberfläche: glatt
Empfohlene Techniken
Ideal für: Acryl, Tinte, Marker
Spiralblock: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) und A3 (29,7 x 42 cm)
Standard & Langlebigkeitsgarantie
Entspricht ISO-Norm 9706, ist säurefrei
XL® Mixed Media Textured is specially designed for mixed media techniques. This versatile, heavyweight paper will charm the boldest students. It has the advantage of having two different surfaces: on one side, its special grain allows pigments to grip; the other side is ideal for felt pens and markers. Anything is possible on this all-terrain paper!
200 gsm
10 sheets
Lanavanguard is an innovative medium. With this paper, users can create a wealth of unique and unusual effects with various techniques, including watercolour, acrylic, oil, gouache, ink, pastels, felt pen and lead. The paper's smooth surface and special composition (100% polypropylene) will help lend all of your creations a fresh and original rendering that is resolutely modern and inconceivable with any other medium.
33 Serie Multi-Media Blöcke/SkizzenbücherSpiralgebunden, 28 Blatt pro Block bieten ein hervorragendes Allzweckpapier aus 216 g/m² NpH-Zellstoff, das Aquarell, Tinte, Pastell, Bleistift und Kreide gleichermaßen gut annimmt.Der Umschlag aus schwerem Karton lässt sich aufklappen und bietet so doppelten Halt. Bindebändchen schützen vor Verlust und Beschädigung.
Product information "Romerturm Universalblock UNIVERSAL AND HENRI white matt" Römerturm Universal and HENRI Global painting - No matter which type of dry technique is preferred - the Universal and Henri block offers the surface for sophisticated drawings and sketches with a wide variety of painting and drawing utensils. Properties
Grammage: 140g/m², 200g/m², surfaces: matt
ATTENTION: for the grammage 140g there is a change to 150g!!!
For finished artwork this high quality bristol weight board comes in two surfaces. Smooth is rated very Good for mechanical drawing, marker, airbrush along with pen & ink. Vellum is rated Very Good for graphite pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, sketching stick, mixed media, airbrush and oil pastel. 100 lb. (20" x 26" x 500 sheets) 260 g/m2 Sheets
Schweres Papier für Studien oder Reinzeichnungen. Erhältlich in einem praktischen Block mit an der kurzen Seite verleimten Bögen, die im Block bleiben, aber leicht abgetrennt werden können.
erhätlich in 15,2 x 20,3 cm, 22,9 x 30,5 cm und 27,9 x 35,6 cm
300 g/m²
15 Blatt
Product information "Strathmore 500 Mixed Media Visual Journal 190g" Mix Media Glued in the mass with a durable vellum surface for wet materials. Ideal for watercolor, gouache, acrylic, graphite, pen and ink, colored pencil, marker, pastel and collage. Archival and lignin-free.available in 14 x 20.3cm and 22.9 x 30.5 cm Ring binding
Portrait format
190 g/m²
34 sheets
XL® Mixed Media Textured is specially designed for mixed media techniques. This versatile, heavyweight paper will charm the boldest students. It has the advantage of having two different surfaces: on one side, its special grain allows pigments to grip; the other side is ideal for felt pens and markers. Anything is possible on this all-terrain paper!
Product information "Strathmore 500 Mixed Media Art Journal" Mix Media
Glued in the mass with a durable vellum surface for wet materials. Ideal for watercolor, gouache, acrylic, graphite, pen and ink, colored pencil, marker, pastel and collage. Archival and lignin-free. available in 14 x 21.6 cm and 21.6 x 27.9 cm Bound
Portrait format
190 g/m²
32 sheets
200 gsm
Lanavanguard is an innovative medium. With this paper, users can create a wealth of unique and unusual effects with various techniques, including watercolour, acrylic, oil, gouache, ink, pastels, felt pen and lead. The paper's smooth surface and special composition (100% polypropylene) will help lend all of your creations a fresh and original rendering that is resolutely modern and inconceivable with any other medium.
Strathmore 400 Series Toned Mixed Media Pads
This heavyweight mixed media paper is toned specifically for use with light and dark media. It also combines characteristics of a watercolor paper and the finish of a drawing sheet, creating a paper that performs for all wet and dry media. It's the perfect hybrid of two of our most loved papers: 400 Series Toned Sketch and 400 Series Mixed Media. These papers are 100% recycled with 30% PCW, acid free, and proudly made in the USA. Perfect for finished artwork.
Rembrandt Toned papier
hochwertiges Tonpapier in den Tönen, Industrial Grey, Mystical Blue, Sanguine Red, Verona Green und Desert Brown
Blockgröße: 50 Blatt
Grammatur: 180g/m²